One of my peeves is the phrase, "bird brain", which presumably means "stupid."
Scientists trace mapping ability to a part of the brain called the hippocampus, and it seems to work for bird brains too.
There was nothing in the bird brain that said, "When thus-and-such happens, start flocking."
But the realization that one can study mammal brains by using bird brains, he said, "is a revolution."
He tried to think of a code that a two-year-old might tackle, but for once his super bird brain failed him.
Birds orient themselves by stars, landmarks or the earth's magnetism, and they, at least, have bird brains.
The very name 'Twitter' suggests the products of bird brains.
"Merely to make thee choose, bird brain," he said equably.
And these bird brains are worried about the potential deaths of smuggled birds?
That much of this increase is connected to seeing and flying is clear from how bird brains work.