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What do 40,000 pounds of birdseed have in common with America's war on drugs?
The birdseed gone, Jenny experienced the need to sit down.
Birdseed has become a staple of the local rats' diet.
Smiling, she showed the sack of birdseed she'd just bought.
When you made all that birdseed, it sounded like a thunderclap.
"If you had to live on birdseed, you'd be puny too!"
But leave the birdseed at home: these flying marvels are bats.
When the pin is pulled, the rods come out, and birdseed can be poured in.
"Shake hands with the new birdseed king," he said.
The man picked up the child like a bag of birdseed, and as she shouted, "Help!
And when the couple departed, the guests threw birdseed.
The squirrels got enormously fat, but never abandoned their pursuit of birdseed.
"What in the heck are they doing arresting birdseed?"
Cody knocks the egg off the table which lands on a birdseed truck.
I was so pleased that I went back later with some birdseed."
And who could have bewitched our good old school and turned it into birdseed?
"Gourmet" birdseed lines the bases, providing a contrast of color and texture.
Grain or birdseed was poured over a reclining woman who soon crawled out.
My St. Francis fantasy is getting out of hand, as are the birdseed bills.
The driver helped the couple into the sleigh as birdseed and well wishes were tossed their way.
She sends him a bag of birdseed, and he writes her a thank-you note.
He had been puzzled by the absence of moral judgment in the birdseed papers on this subject.
In the spring, peanut butter birdhouses can be decorated with birdseed.
The birdseed rule seems to be the same as the cat-food rule.
The species has been used for birdseed and in ecological restoration, like dune stabilization.