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You are nothing like him, dark thing that he was, not even in your birthright.
But this particular woman still has one birthright, so she could have a baby with no problem.
The last two he taught himself; the first was his birthright.
What matters to me is that you should understand your birthright.
The birthright, the heritage of information was to be his.
One could buy the birthrights at a million stars a shot.
"What birthright have you save that which my body gave?"
The only thing I need to recover is your birthright.
In 1990 and 2000, Birthright had a population of forty.
"I'm not going to allow him to sell out our birthright as a nation."
But she was growing toward strength as if it were her birthright.
Like you, the truth of my birthright was hidden from me.
For both of us, it is a birthright we cannot escape.
You let anybody have something for a little while, they soon consider it their birthright.
That birthright is what it means to bear the name "American."
Another good is a mother and father as every child's birthright."
Never again will the birthright of freedom be denied you.
"Dignity in death is a birthright of each living thing."
I hunt here by my birthright, it is a man's thing to do.
It was our birthright that this need did not come in early youth.
You have saved my son's birthright, yet that right is not what it once was.
What if it is simply my father's birthright asserting itself?
It was your father who cheated our children out of their birthright.
It should have been his by a birthright of ten centuries.
Why should his birthright be denied to him, and mine to me?