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Subadar Bisht was worried by what he called 'the smell on the wind'.
At special times, men often wear a bisht or mishlah over the thobe.
A white or ivory bisht is worn to white tie events.
As he tried to ground the ball, his back leg was raised slightly, providing enough time for an alert Bisht to stump him.
It is customary for important persons to wear the kanzu with a black bisht.
Gaira is one of the surname used under Bisht.
What do you make of this, Bisht?
But that's not what Dewan Bisht is doing here.
Umesh Bisht, the director and a soap veteran, said it was easier for him than many previous projects.
Dr. Bisht has also published several research articles.
I am honoured you should feel thus, Sabadar Bisht.
Unlike the thobe, the bisht is soft, and it is usually black, brown, or grey.
On formal occasions a black or beige cloak called a bisht may cover the dishdasha.
During his career, Dr. Bisht held many positions in varying capacities.
For rare chilly days, Saudi men wear a camel-hair cloak (bisht) over the top.
You could be right, Sabadar Bisht, but you know very well that such a trick would not work.
Adding workplace demands to responsibilities at home, which often include taking care of in-laws, leaves women workers with multiple stresses, Bisht said.
Mohan Singh Bisht, 20, helped his family build a six-room house.
The story of Tanya Bisht, over and under Delhi.
In some occasions, Bahrainis wear a bisht, which is a cloak made of wool, over the thobe.
Brahmin with Bisht surname/title are more common in Kumaun region.
Bisht's Moradabad biryani is named for his hometown.
Tribal chiefs wear the kanzu with a black bisht when attending a black tie event.
"The Nepali community is growing up now," said Ram Bisht, owner of the restaurant.
Another achievement credited to D. Bisht is the conservation of several Indian national monuments.