Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
He spoke at the great red and black mass of his face.
She gazed at the black mass of her mother's back.
The wide, black mass of the river lay before them.
Reading a black mass over them is more in your line."
The first black mass which came into view, with all its lights out, seemed to be some kind of light vehicle.
I started moving the gun toward the black mass, still firing.
On their right, the mountain loomed as a black mass.
The ground fell away to the sliding black mass of the river.
He looked over his shoulder and saw the black mass of the storm as it moved away from them.
They no longer waved at the black mass of the train as it passed.
She recently participated in a black mass and was used as the altar.
She's a few candles short of a black mass, if you catch my meaning.
During the minute or so that we could see some detail, a large black mass moved south across the ice.
Far beyond him, a wet black mass burst up through the ice.
The building was a black mass that propped the sky in one spot.
The black mass didn't move, although it surely should have heard him by now.
He was dark, his hair a rich black mass.
The sea, the sky, the land were all mingled in one black mass.
Quinn had opened it up during two of the black mass ceremonies.
There was a black mass of trees all around.
The slope in front of us appeared as an uncanny, black mass.
Cover art for the single features a black mass.
He lay there, motionless, a black mass in the darkness.
We vaguely distinguished a black mass moving through the darkness.
I believe, however, that sometimes the Black Mass is performed.