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He'd have to blag the old lady for money tomorrow.
I can blag my way into places dressed like this.
Again you have to go through immigration at the airport, but can blag it.
Where's the best place to start if I want to learn how to blag my way with the sommelier?
I just managed to escape and blag it into music."
He tries in vain to blag my laminate off me.
I don't suppose there's any way you could blag me a trip behind the scenes, is there?
You can't blag it and expect to get away with it.
Two door whores were trying to blag their way in without a coding symbol.
If you have some money to splurge, it is never full, you may be able to blag a room at a reasonable price.
Don't bother trying to blag yourself a ticket - everyone pays 15 quid.
'Would either of you have a cigarette I could blag?'
There were ticketless Republicans there trying to blag their way in.
Mr. Walker may well be able to blag a jounalists visit.
But I did wonder if it was possible to blag it and then change the little mite's name by deed poll.
You blag a meeting with the band's lynchpin, organist Clint Boon.
I'll have to blag it.
Poetry review has become, and it seems will increasingly exist only as, a forum for those select peers to blag their work to further notoriety.
Worked in 2002 and 2003, purchased a ticket in 2008 and managed to blag my way in last year.
That means no publishing deals, no talking to the press, no telling workmates or colleagues because someone will blag.
Soooo, basically, you're making it even easier for lazy hacks to blag freebies.
He would use a mobile phone to telephone BT, and purport to be a line engineer to "blag" phone numbers.
I managed to blag a small speaking part on the show and it aired last night on BBC One.
How can I blag my way into a. Lord's b. Wimbledon c. Twickenham d. any other top sporting event?
You will be asked for an exit ticket but can blag it by saying you have an e ticket and havent printed it out yet.