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The bland meals and the wrong sky and all the rest.
After a bland meal, Bracknell pushed his tray aside and got out of the hospital bed.
Various sauces concocted from a private herb garden added some zest to a very bland meal.
He ate a bland meal, went for a walk in the mellow afternoon light, and settled into his room for the evening.
If you wait any longer, you are likely to get a bland meal, Ms. Wright cautioned.
Marcel had plenty of complaints about the bland meals he had been served on a recent trip to Paris.
Let other airlines get by as interchangeable agglomerations of faceless service, bland meals and uniform fares.
After IV rehydration is completed, patients in general progress to frequent small liquid or bland meals.
In the motorway restaurant, I chose a bland meal I thought suitable for a little girl, and had a chicken salad myself.
After the bland meal, she purposely avoided the game board and went instead to her "gymnasium," contrived out of rugs and boxes.
A few fuguetime daysrealtime yearslater and only the blandest meals remained.
The demands of cooking and eating bland meals, breaking camp, making camp, carrying canoes, filling journals and doing other chores gave the teen-agers little time to think about home, she said.
Day after day, Keedair sat alone in his shuttlecraft and consumed hefty quantities, even adding spice to his packaged food supplies, which made the blandest meals taste like ambrosia.
I started eating my dinner before 6 p.m. so I wouldn't have heartburn that woke me up at night, and I ate bland meals like plain grilled chicken and toast.
On board, women reared children, acted as hostesses (if the ship carried passengers) and, although they were generally not responsible for feeding the crew, often coached the cook and supplemented bland meals with their own specialties.
HELP may be on the way for travelers tired of passing by the greasy fare in the food courts lining airport terminals, only to find their taste buds bored by bland meals served at cruising altitude.
"You are a senior physician, after all, and you are still the ranking medical officer on this ship," the Captain observed in an aggrieved tone while he attacked the rather bland meal the hospital dietitians had prescribed for them.
Her drab routine - each day at lunchtime she consumes the same bland meal of chicken, rice and half an apple - is interrupted by a summons from her boss, who commends her for punctuality and perfect attendance in the four years she has worked at the factory.
For example, the morning after we inquired about a restaurant where we could eat authentic Indonesian food - most of the places we sampled in the Ubud area prepared bland meals geared to a Western palate - we were served a gigantic Indonesian-style breakfast, including spicy fried rice with a fried egg on top.