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But a blanket refusal even to weigh tax increases makes sense only in terms of the 1992 Presidential campaign.
There have been some criticisms about the blanket refusal to give access to legal opinions.
Increasingly, however, such cases are being decided individually, and there has been no blanket refusal by the Hungarian authorities.
A blanket refusal to see the destitute and struggling deeply troubles me.
Even within Israel's peace camp, some have criticized the reservists' blanket refusal to serve in the territories.
I do not accept your blanket refusal.
The commission also documented blanket refusals to lend in particular areas (redlining).
My employer's overtures to the government, offering to lend his people to various public works projects, met with blanket refusals.
Cardinal Napier said he was pleased that he was not met with a "blanket refusal."
Mr. Ekeus said this blanket refusal introduced a new dimension in Iraqi noncompliance.
Before Baghdad's decision to back down from its blanket refusal, Opec was under severe pressure to raise quotas in the hope of bringing prices back down.
"For patients, it means that if a doctor properly prescribes the drug, the local health authority can't issue a blanket refusal on the grounds of cost or regulatory reasons."
Using a Balancing Test It has been clear for years that the courts do not recognize that the job of reporting justifies a blanket refusal to identify sources.
SIR - I would go further than your previous correspondent in wishing to condemn our public broadcasters for their blanket refusal to pronounce the "h" in "why".
Six players had dual qualification and the Exiles were prepared to settle for Dobson and Hunter, but they met with a blanket refusal from the Ulster Branch.
Mr. Tortorici said CBS's policy lies somewhere between ABC's intense pursuit of top production talent and NBC's blanket refusal to deal.
He says she was greeted by 'long faces' and a blanket refusal to consider the idea of a separation in any form before the prince and princess tried for a period to resolve their differences.
Brian Vickers, however, is highly critical of Waith's analysis, attacking his "blanket refusal either to report the case for co-authorship fairly, or to engage in a series evaluation of its arguments."
As for the rift with the United States, analysts point out that the chancellor has begun to say that Germany would not actively take part in a campaign, a subtle shift from his earlier blanket refusal to participate.
Sorry, but I remember that for decades, British manufacturing was in serious decline due to official strikes, unofficial strikes, sympathy strikes, demarcation disputes, blanket refusals to co-operate with the introduction of new machinery etc.
When the Roman Catholic Church weighed in with a blanket refusal to consider their anti position, the Irish Times countered that a measure to outlaw divorce would alienate Protestants and "crystallise" the partition of Northern Ireland.
Mr. Clinton has also made it clear that he intends to tap into what he sees as a growing public impatience with overemphasis on the personal lives of candidates by issuing a blanket refusal to answer what he describes as "have you ever" questions.
The Russians said Iraq had shifted from its blanket refusal to give United Nations weapons inspectors unrestricted access to eight sites suspected of concealing materials used to make biological and chemical weapons, and has offered proposals that fall short of full disclosure.
But they form only part of a large body of diverse work - paintings of multicolored dots; cabinets filled with medical equipment; sculptures in which commonplace objects are displayed in skewed or gravity defying ways - that all has to do with, Hirst observes, people's "blanket refusal to accept decay."
Petitioners' blanket refusal to allow any women access to an abortion clinic overrides the individual class member's choice, no matter whether she is the victim of rape or incest, whether the abortion may be necessary to save her life, or even whether she is merely seeking advice or information about her options.