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By that time, you wouldn't be able to live through blastoff.
I was feeling a bit guilty about taking the Blastoff capsule.
"You better get back to the boat and sit prepared for quick blastoff."
I stood there thinking about nothing at all for a moment, then went inside myself to begin setting up the blastoff orbit.
Then, shaking his head to clear it, he straightened up, and began to set the computer for blastoff.
Their blastoff acceleration brought them to the fringe of space within 4 seconds.
So the countdown was aborted just 19 seconds from blastoff.
The whole assembly will then be transferred to the floating platform for blastoff.
But their blastoff was repeatedly delayed as technical problems arose on the ground.
As does his index of American house prices, until the blastoff of the last decade.
"We'd have been doing you a favor if the geek had died in blastoff.
An announcer read a report on the blastoff in a regularly scheduled newscast minutes later.
"We're too busy here readying the ship for a hot blastoff.
There was nothing, really, to a space blastoff.
The earlier cutoffs, in 1984 and 1985, were four and three seconds before blastoff.
"Blastoff," a disembodied voice said, just as the giant started squeezing my chest.
We've got just thirty-five minutes till blastoff, and you'll need briefing."
He reached up and closed the hatch, turning the lever to lock it before blastoff.
"However, if she hasn't killed him by his blastoff tomorrow, he won't have long to run anyway."
He was about a hundred and ten on the arousal scale, with a hundred being blastoff.
In the cold war, learning a nuclear attacker's identity was seen as simply a matter of tracking a missile from its blastoff point.
The smoke of blastoff stung Kirk's eyes and scorched his lungs.
Mr. Gavin said that the blastoff from the moon was the tensest moment.
A bungled blastoff can cost the win, even if the trailing car ultimately clocks a higher speed.
With this equipment, they hoped to pierce the space void and locate the blastoff site of the rocket.