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He has been bleating on about it for long enough.
Then the old one bleated, and went on her way with an easy mind.
Once past, it turned and bleated at them, then ran off.
"You know, this is the first time I've not been sure whether you're bleating me."
He bleated and threw both arms out to break his fall.
The body in her arms made a sort of bleating, questioning sound.
A voice started to bleat in my ear and I turned round.
It's the one that comes from those on the right bleating about the way their taxes are spent.
Now he bleated as if to order them to let his two ladies free immediately.
He could still hear his officers bleating like so many sheep.
I started to ask about the animals but then heard the goats bleating.
To then guy bleating about artists getting what they deserve, really?
Sick of hearing teachers bleat about not being up to it when their 68.
You sit and bleat like old women while he improves each hour.
When he was still a few yards off she bleated loudly.
They walked away under the fluorescent sky, bleating at one another.
Another sound split the silence, a kind of bleating noise.
If he knew anything of the slightest use, he'd have bleated about medical ethics.
In the old days, he would have clung to the cliff, bleating for help.
The brown goat poked its head around the door and bleated.
Kirk meant to ask what was going on but managed to bleat only the first word.
You have bleated like a bunch of sheep for decades now.
She stood on the far side of the circle from the prisoner, who was bleating with fear.
At 5:47 on the morning of, the phone bleated to announce two more casualties.