Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
They were blissfully happy for the next two or three years.
They were alone, of course, and it was blissfully summer.
But here I am talking blissfully about myself in the old fashion!
But everything had been so blissfully normal that morning on the drive to school.
It too is low, but longer by half than the other buildings, and blissfully dark.
The time without her in the house had been blissfully peaceful.
For a moment the door seemed firm, but then, blissfully, it gave.
Thus, while Craig went about his business, everyone was blissfully out to the world.
But on stage, he seems blissfully at ease and in control.
On the campaign trail, he can make it seem blissfully simple.
A man could be blissfully alone for weeks at a time in a fortress.
So they must have been blissfully happy little farm animals.
The pressure to be blissfully happy can cause major anxiety.
My phone was blissfully silent for about two weeks, but then they struck again.
She sighed, closed her eyes, and felt blissfully at home.
I had the feeling Bob was blissfully unaware of quite a few things.
I remember sitting down on the couch, and after that everything went blissfully black.
So I kept the money and was blissfully jobless for a few months.
Yet the stock market has managed to stay blissfully above most such concerns.
It's all so blissfully witty, if you like that sort of thing.
Would she blissfully wake to a different life, one in which he never existed?
In these blissfully stupid circumstances, what do you want to read about?
Plenty of women say they're blissfully satisfied with a single good one.
Thus far, these are the most blissfully entertaining films in town.
The ship was blissfully unaware of her as he played.