Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The back of her green hair was blotched with bright blood.
Within an hour her skin was blotched with red and seemed almost too hot to touch.
The grass was blotched with the impression of their feet.
She looked up at him without anger, her face blotched by crying.
He saw Melanie leave, her face blotched as if she had been crying.
The test may be purple, green or dull red, blotched with white.
Some eggs are blotched with dark reddish brown at the large end.
These are medium green above and blotched with purple underneath.
His face was blotched with white patches, feet and hands devoid of feeling.
A poor pretense, she knew; her face was blotched and swollen.
Not so much as an unpaid parking ticket blotched his record.
Wally is embarrassed about the handkerchief, now blotched with red.
His skin blotched white and red because the tense muscles cut off their own blood supply.
Her neck above the dress was blotched with purple bruises.
My uncle's skin had blotched up under the heat.
His hands were blotched with white and brown pigment.
He was carrying a brown bag, blotched with grease stains.
Below him, the landscape was pure silver, blotched by deep shadows.
Meanwhile, my face would be blotched from the chemicals.
Its color is reddish or yellowish brown, blotched with black and white.
The finish blotched in places, while the color faded to an unpleasant yellow.
His face blotched angrily and he started to lunge toward the servants.
His old man's face was blotched with red.
He had a red face, a bald scalp blotched with large brown freckles.
He picked up his magazine again, his cheeks blotched with color.