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Echo, 35 miles west of Denver, bodaciously bills itself as "the most exciting place to be with snow pants on."
Hmm, how about the phrase "she is bodaciously callipygian"?
On lower ramps, bicyclists pop wheelies or flirt bodaciously with flips.
F Map Powdered wigs seem appropriate attire in this bodaciously baroque salon.
"Most bodaciously."
There were jackets and dresses in flamboyant French color mixes worthy of a Plaza Hotel couch, combinations of printed fabrics, brilliant gold buttons, and bodaciously feminine side-draped skirts.
I just bodaciously do NOT relish the prospect of fleeing from a gaggle of semi-intelligent alien monstrosities merely because I got nothing bigger than a rifle to fight back with."
It is certainly not whether the enlightened and bodaciously well-paid gents on Mr. Brinkley's show would love the agreement quite so fervently if it meant their own jobs might be shipped down to our good friends in Mexico.
And neither, obviously, did the Rockets' front office, which bodaciously dealt power forward Otis Thorpe to Portland in midstream for the home-grown Drexler, co-star of Olajuwon's more than a decade earlier at the University of Houston.
No sooner had I outgrown a fear and loathing of fashion magazines with their anorexic models, than now, thanks to the luminous Ms. Lane, I've got to worry about looking bodaciously fulfilled in the same mail-order catalog T-shirt I was wearing when I made my kid's peanut butter sandwich.
He relates his offer of free lifetime membership in the Southern Christian Leadership Conference to the racist Alabama sheriff Jim Clark; he talks about the time he one-ups a white Selma registrar by bodaciously reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to answer the challenge to "repeat verbatim" the 13th Amendment.