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Body culture studies have also influenced the understanding of "nature".
Body culture studies found a particular interest in East Asian countries.
Proxemics (Hall 1966), the study of distance and space, has become a special field of body culture studies.
Body culture studies try to understand bodily practice as patterns revealing the inner tensions and contradictions of a given society.
In Germany, influences of phenomenology induced body culture studies in the historical field.
As body culture studies analyse culture and society in terms of human bodily practices, they are sometimes viewed as a form of materialist phenomenology.
Body culture studies include studies of dance, play (play (activity)) and game, outdoor activities, festivities and other forms of movement culture.
By elaborating the complex interplay between bodily practice and the superstructures of ideas and conscience, body cultures studies challenge the established history and sociology.
Configurational analysis became a special method by the Stuttgart school of Historical Behaviour Studies during the 1970s and later by body culture studies in Denmark.
Body culture studies describe and compare bodily practice in the larger context of culture and society, i.e. in the tradition of anthropology, history and sociology.
In 1982, he became professor at the University of Odense, later at the University of Copenhagen, developing the Danish school of body culture studies.
Body Culture Studies were especially established at Danish universities and academies and cooperated with Nordic, European and East Asian research networks.
Body Culture Studies have shown useful by making the study of sport enter into broader historical and sociological discussion - from the level of subjectivity to civil society, state and market.
Later, Michel Foucault, Pierre Bourdieu and the Stuttgart Historical Behaviour Studies delivered important inspirations for the new body culture studies.
Body culture studies have cast new light on the origins and conditions of the Industrial Revolution, which in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries transformed people's everyday life in a fundamental way.
In the field of body culture studies, Eichberg's theory of the specific modernity of sport as a pattern of productivity was met by critique from the mainstream of sport history.
The field of body culture studies is floating towards studies of medical cultures, of working habits, of gender and sexual cultures, of fashion and body decoration, of popular festivity and more generally towards popular culture studies.
The Danish school of body culture studies developed the analysis of configurations - social space, social time, inter-human relations, atmospheres and emotions as well as the objectivation of movement - towards the study of sport and other movement cultures (p. e. musical gesture) in diverse societies and social formations.