"bojaźliwy" in inglés — Polish-inglés dictionary | see "bojaźliwy" in Polish


the image to "shy" in Polish the image to "timid" in Polish
  1. shy **  
    Don't be so shy - everything will be OK.
    My sister is very shy, she never talks to strangers.
  2. timid
  3. fearful *
  4. apprehensive
  5. fearsome  
  6. milky *
  7. spooky
  8. spineless
  9. weak-kneed
  10. faint-hearted , also: fainthearted
  11. pigeon-hearted
  12. rabbit-hearted
  13. timorous
  14. pusillanimous
  15. trepid  
  16. trepid , also: trepidant
  17. willyard ScoE dialect , also: willyart ScoE  
  18. chickenshit