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The only kind of woman he'd ever looked for was the special, bondable, kind.
The Volunteer must be bondable.
All we have to be is eighteen or older, bondable, possessing a car and a home phone and having one year of Minnesota residency.
I am good with plants, dogs, fish, can do light housekeeping and am bondable and have references available.
The goal, and the result, he said, was "big-name tenants, triple-A rated bondable tenancies."
They grew their cups and bowls, the famous chairdogs, insulation, bondable organics, rugs, shelves and the islands themselves.
Net lease types include single net, double net, triple net and even bondable triple net leases.
At Dewey, the 70 slots are oversubscribed (acceptances are limited only by the number of summer internships promised by participating companies and by a requirement that students be bondable).
But pro-Juneau people there and in Fairbanks got voters to also approve a measure (the FRANK Initiative) requiring voter approval of all bondable construction costs before building could begin.
Bondable leases are typically used in so-called credit tenant lease deals, where the main driver of value is not so much the real estate, but the uninterrupted cash flow from the usually investment-grade rated "credit" tenant.
Laminates generally consist of vinyl films over woven or knitted polyester meshes (called scrims or substrates), while vinyl-coated polyesters usually have a high-count, high-tensile base fabric coated with a bondable substance that provides extra strength.
The tenant's credit rating is a crucial factor which the lender takes into account in their decision to lend on a property and under what terms, however it is not the characteristic which distinguishes a bondable triple net from a standard triple net lease investment.
A bondable lease (also called an "absolute triple net lease", "true triple net lease", or a "hell-or-high-water lease") is the most extreme variation of a triple net lease, where the tenant carries every imaginable real estate risk related to the property.