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But we ask far more of you before your bondage is at an end.
They had been held in bondage to these men for a very long time.
It is more than just a place where he was held in bondage.
Maybe he'd been into bondage all these years and never even knew it.
Better to die than to live in bondage, she may have thought.
She was still in bondage to her own state and youth.
Many children remain in such bondage until they are 21.
They were kept in bondage and forced to work for him.
He soon discovered a group of men who were also held in bondage.
You are free from all bondage of good or bad actions.
Even when women are shown in bondage, they have a potential power.
Who had so easily put me back into bondage, not thinking what it might do.
She began to walk out, but her desire for bondage took over.
My wife had been with a rare other man before, but never in a bondage situation.
"Republicans understand the importance of bondage between a mother and child."
Or had she traded one kind of bondage for another?
Satisfied for the moment, I turned my attention to her bondage.
These were usually also in mild bondage of one sort or another.
Indeed, the situation of bondage itself is such a context.
Well must she be concerned to keep her bondage secret.
Another form of or name for this practice is debt bondage.
However, bondage can also be used for its own sake.
But that was not the full extent of his bondage.
Plans drawn up to free the women and children from their bondage.
No matter what happened, she would never again exist in that kind of bondage.