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He followed the bondswoman out of the room.
And I am no bondswoman."
"I worked for years as bondswoman to the Lady of me Manor, minding her children till they came of age.
If a man in the House visited his wife he came to the beza, but if he wanted a bondswoman she was "sent across."
"You are bondswoman to us, Joisan.
From incidental music to Den lilla slafvinnan (The little bondswoman).
A few bail bondsmen, and at least one bail bondswoman, in the city post bail, but they require major collateral, like a house.
"Your bondswoman, Rewe," he asked Solly - "was she a friend?"
"Drink, bondswoman."
He married a woman named Thír (slave girl or bondswoman), and they had twelve sons and nine daughters with names mostly suggesting ugliness and squatness.
I am at least glad to know that this is not another bondswoman of some friend of yours, who is bereft of free choice, and whom I have spirited away.
On their way to Kiev, Yaropolk's bride, Rogneda of Polotsk, offended Dobrynya by calling his sister a "bondswoman".
The high-born princess refused to affiance herself to the son of a bondswoman, so Vladimir attacked Polotsk, slew Rogvolod, and took Ragnhild by force.
The remaining mention is a single sentence in Iceland's annals for the year 1379: "The skraelings assaulted the Greenlanders, killing 18 men, and captured two boys and one bondswoman and made them slaves."
A certain bondswoman led me to a place which I know right well, and there she bandaged my eyes and guided me to some tenement and lastly carried me into a darkened room where lay the dead body dismembered.
The village Nordfeld is described in the Domesday Book as having a priest as well as seven villeins, sixteen borders, six cottars, who shared enough land for thirteen ploughs, two serfs and a bondswoman (a slave).
He was a dark greyish brown, not the blue-black that the owners were so vain of (though there were plenty of black assets too, Solly had noticed: of course, when every bondswoman was her owner's sexual servant).
If a town were overcome by besieging troops, all women of priestly stock found in it are ineligible to be married to priests or to remain married to priests, but if they had witnesses, even a slave, or even a bondswoman, these may be believed.
Paul links the laws of the Torah, given on Mount Sinai, to the bondage of the Israelite people, implying that it was signified by Hagar's condition as a bondswoman, while the "free" heavenly Jerusalem is signified by Sarah and her child.