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Bone tired and I'm not going to stand it any longer.
He was bone tired, but his restless mind would not allow him to rest.
He was bone tired, but had no intention of showing the fact.
I was bone tired from not having slept much lately.
I would be bone tired by then, confused, and unable to write anything.
In either case, Lester was too bone tired to take offense.
She felt bone tired and edgy at the same time, always a confusing state.
By the time he got around to it, he was bone tired.
It was past one in the morning, and suddenly I was bone tired.
After so many days with so little sleep, everyone was bone tired.
I was bone tired and soaking my feet when our numbers were pulled."
She meant it as a joke, but she really was bone tired.
Both Richard and Nicole were bone tired after their large dinner.
After two days and hundreds of miles on the run, he was bone tired and desperate for rest.
He was bone tired, yet he could not sleep.
I was bone tired, scraping the bottom of my energy reserves, but elation kept me going.
He was bone tired and felt it to the deadening tips of every nerve ending.
He was bone tired, now that his hunger was abated.
Instead, we will sit in the autumn sunshine and enjoy being bone tired, harvesting our fatigue.
He was bone tired, too, and grainy-eyed, suffering from a killer headache.
When Tiedman finally broke the silence, his voice was suddenly bone tired.
Cotta stood up, bone tired but filled with new vigor.
Tonight he was bone tired, his body crying for sleep, his mind far too wired to even consider it.
Beverly Crusher flopped down on her bed, bone tired.
Apparently, I was all out of adrenaline; I felt bone tired.
It had been a very long day, and he was bone weary.
Yes, they looked bone weary, and she could well understand that.
Gates felt more bone weary than at any moment of his life.
He looked bone weary, every line of his face highlighted.
Though she'd never admit it, he knew she was bone weary.
Now that he thought of it, Alfred himself bone weary.
Looking bone weary, he rubbed the back of his neck.
Working by day and night, they were bone weary.
The last mile seemed like twenty to her, and by the time they finally arrived, she was bone weary.
Ryan sat up, feeling bone weary but for the first time, realizing that he was safe and well.
When they finally made camp, an hour later, he was bone weary and half-starved.
He was bone weary and this man was a swordsman.
Now he was at the end of his journey, he felt bone weary and more than a little dizzy.
He was wet and suffering, starving and bone weary at war.
Aye, he thought, the poets didn't give me much feel for how bone weary I'd be after a battle, either.
He was bone weary and wanted to get this over with and get to bed.
They both looked bone weary, stiff from days and nights of train travel to which neither was accustomed.
She felt grubby and bone weary, but also a great deal of pride in a job well done against overwhelming odds.
And they would not be bone weary.
An hour later, she-was back, bone weary and sparking mad.
For some reason he felt bone weary.
Enkidu was bone weary by the time the thin light overhead waned.
And yet his face was almost grim-no, not grim, she corrected herself, tired, bone weary.
He hadn't slept much in too many days and was bone weary, but it had become important to save his brother, traitor or not.
I was bone weary, but I felt better than I had in quite a while.