Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The first press of the single came with a special booklet.
Now by law they must provide something like this booklet.
The new booklet will probably be ready within two months, she said.
The book is also available in the form of different booklets.
Use this booklet in whatever way works best for you.
The booklet was given to students in her son's school earlier this month.
But there's this other one where's the booklet got to?
Most pictures of the booklet are in black and white.
Both come with a 68-page booklet on the band's history.
These are available from the address at the back of this booklet.
She threw the booklet into the center of the table.
After a few months, of course, his booklet would not sell.
Today, they can only get this booklet through the internet.
Books and booklets have been sent to over 100 countries.
The reason for this change is not presented in the booklet.
Every so often, a test booklet found its way out of a classroom.
A booklet as a background to the series will be available early in 1993.
We do this to make the booklet easier to read.
He published several other booklets over the next few years.
This booklet is only the beginning of your educational process.
Presented in a set of 14 easy to read booklets.
The line is open 24 hours a day for ordering the booklet.
If your surgeon does not provide you with a booklet, ask for one.
Well I'm taking four anyway to see what happens and the booklet.
Can be seen in the Art booklet that came with the album.