Murphy commented: "Fiona comes from the boom generation that feels wealth is almost an entitlement.
SoHo was pioneered mostly by artists from the counterculture-baby boom generation that reached voting age in the 1960's.
However, in 1964, with over 20,000 science students graduating high school (the baby boom generation), the old Sorbonne could not accommodate the influx of students.
The smaller number of young people now coming of working age in the post-baby boom generation is only part of the explanation.
The baby- boom generation that made rock music a religion will surely take the music to its grave.
But when the 76 million-member baby boom generation begins retiring in large numbers in 2010, Social Security's financial strength will erode rapidly.
Nationally, such young people make up perhaps 20 percent of the post-baby boom generation.
But with the arrival of the post-baby boom generation, the trend has reversed and the college premium is now 60 percent, a record level, surveys show.
One is that the labor force bulged with the entry of women and the baby- boom generation, and these new workers competed with older men.
"Seven years from now the baby boom generation will begin to claim Social Security benefits," Mr. Bush said.