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Exercise your right to free speech, however boorishly, and you're out for more than two months.
Even in the most fastidious of times it is boorishly single-minded.
He must have missed a nuance, and reacted boorishly rather than appropriately.
For one thing, he's apparently been acting boorishly - or worse - for several decades.
I hope he doesn't expect we will accept his invitation again after treating us so boorishly."
But even that won't erase another example of too much boorishly bad behavior by too many baseball players.
On court, he occasionally careens from appealingly edgy to boorishly rude.
For children, especially, Carroll's stories are appealing because they seem to operate according to a special logic that adults (quite boorishly) refuse to accept.
No, he is not boorishly sexist; he is an intelligent man in his 30's and of the 40's.
It proved that civility can flourish - but only if the nice guys promptly punish anyone who acts boorishly.
In the midst of which I awoke to better recollections, made a lame word of excuse, and set myself boorishly to my studies.
I grunted boorishly at him, but I got up, picked up the tools and followed after him.
Boorishly proud.
The fact that he was innocent of willful dishonesty and a national treasure did not prevent the authorities from dealing with him harshly and boorishly.
Mr. Bashir rather boorishly corrects him, pointing out that actually he is Michael Jackson.
His untruthful allegations towards Alexander, portraying him as boorishly uncivil and aggressive, have been repeated uncritically in historical accounts.
"You may have saved her from that embarrassing flower debacle," his mother continued, "but boorishly ignoring her the rest of the evening hardly constitutes civil behavior."
Two University of South Carolina fraternity brothers were shown talking boorishly to Borat about their views on slavery.
Many New Yorkers, often egged on by tabloid writers, find it impossible to resist thumping their chests and boorishly trashing the other team's hometown.
Even worse, from Robert Kennedy's perspective, were rumors Johnson had behaved boorishly on the plane ride back from Dallas.
And Namath, knowing he had acted boorishly, called Kolber to apologize for putting her in an awkward position, and she graciously accepted.
We could not have expected anything better from the Italian Government, supported by a boorishly Communist left and by a deceitful and hypocritical centre-left.
However, the Prince, dressed eccentrically and behaving boorishly, does appear, and Natasha realises that he does not approve of the marriage.
His tone was curt - not overtly uncivil, but as if I were boorishly imposing a massive inconvenience on both him and the institution that employed him.
Abandoning sophistication for smugness, he parades his superior position in New York business and social circles and boorishly flaunts even his restaurant connections.