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A plan for a borderless peace makes the most of a global moment.
The Internet is seen as a technology of borderless free markets.
These icons could also be made borderless, just like in Office 97.
But they are becoming issues in our borderless digital world.
His company now proposes to take that borderless world one step further.
Not all European countries have signed up for borderless travel.
A borderless Europe entered a new era at the end of last year.
In such a borderless world, investments go where the return is highest.
In an increasingly borderless world, no country can put borders back up.
In this supposedly borderless economy, perhaps it does matter where you sit.
Thus, jobs have become borderless, providing greater links between individuals.
Borderless printing of a single frame as photograph onto A4 paper.
With a borderless Europe these choices can only be made together, rather than separately.
These are the borderless interactions that threaten us all, and especially the young.
To them all the past was one borderless timeless realm.
What about the “new economy” of free-flowing capital and borderless information?
In this world of borderless security challenges, Canada has a duty to act.
All three share a new feature to the range: the ability to create borderless prints without the need for special media.
Neo-liberalism does not have a vision of a borderless world.
As for the union's great achievements, like, say, peace on a borderless continent, they are oh so 20th century.
Generating companies rushed to expand in the new, borderless market.
The internet is borderless but consumers, businesses and regulators are not.
Computer manufacturers, generating more sales through the borderless Internet, are doing the same.
In an increasingly integrated global economy and financial system, terror has become borderless.
It is often better to make these windows borderless so that they do not look like separate areas of a document.