Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Bourne had to find out which and on what level.
Bourne End is the name of more than one place.
The name meant nothing to him, but Bourne could not help himself.
Bourne Free is held in the town each year during the summer.
He pulled his eyes away from the dead woman and looked at Bourne.
Bourne did not move; there was nothing he could do.
The Bourne series was met with both critical and commercial success.
Bourne knew it was the moment to act; a better one might not present itself.
At the sound, Bourne looked over from the edge of the bed.
Bourne stood in front of the door without opening it.
No use, not now, considered Bourne, looking around the huge department store.
How or why the accident had happened, Bourne could not know.
Officials in Bourne, however, have said they do not want the boat.
Bourne did not know him, but his was a face that would be hard to forget.
Bourne could not change his color for the immediate moment.
Jason Bourne would never have said what you just did.
Bourne held his position in the brush by the side of the road.
Bourne moved with it, coming to within ten feet of the guard.
"We're alone," said the voice across the dark room as Bourne opened his eyes.
When he arrived back at the hall Bourne was there alone.
Bourne tried to keep the plea out of his voice.
Bourne has a standing invitation to go back to the National.
However, a statement had been made by the building manager when Bourne paid him.
Bourne operates its own school department, with four public schools in the town.
On the other hand, Bourne was not about to walk into a trap of his own making.