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Or a father teaching his son how to tie his first bowknot.
Bourne reached over and yanked the bowknot free, holding on to one end of the line.
I twisted the paper into a misshapen bowknot, and let it drop to the running board, and from there fall off to the street.
The flap didn't want to stay down, so I tied the plastic tape fastening to hold it, in a single bowknot.
I'll manage with a simple bowknot.
And her tongue could slice a fellow to ribbons and tie up the remains in a bowknot before they hit the ground.
I'd tie your ears in a bowknot."
A carved motif of crossed flags and a bowknot adorns the center of the crest rail.
Finally the brown band descended from the mass of lambent colour overhead and curled into a tight bowknot before him.
Sawtooth National Forest trial 096 leads to Bowknot Lake.
Chauncey's mournful blue eye gazed at him apprehensively from atop the large bowknot into which the extended stalk had been tied.
You even try to ride him into a town, the first grey-torc patrol you meet will tie your guts into a bowknot."
Jason knelt down, the gun in his left hand pressed into the killer's mouth, the fingers of his right undoing the bowknot behind the commando's head.
He suddenly struck out at her when she wasn't expecting it, seized the garnet velvet bowknot on her shoulder, tried to pull it undone.
Farley Lake is north of the peak and Bowknot and Toxaway lakes are west of the peak.
Laying the middle of the ribbon across their wrists, Eragon wound the strip of satin three times around and then tied the ends together with a bowknot.
Bowknot Lake is in the Sawtooth Wilderness, and a wilderness permit can be obtained at a registration box at trailheads or wilderness boundaries.
The lapel button is a 1/2 inch, six-sided light blue bowknot rosette with thirteen white stars and may be worn on appropriate civilian clothing on the left lapel.
I had refastened it in a simple bowknot, a sort of knot which on Gor, in certain contexts, as in the present context, is spoken of as a slave knot.
Bowknot Lake is a small alpine lake in Custer County, Idaho, United States, located in the Sawtooth Mountains in the Sawtooth National Recreation Area.
Toxaway Lake is upstream of Bowknot Lake while Farley Lake, McDonald Lake, and Yellow Belly Lake are downstream.
The encumbering kitchen smock had been discarded now, and she was slim and dazzling in festive silver, a garnet velvet bowknot at her shoulder, a garnet velvet bowknot at her hip.