Their brains have rotted even faster than their skins.
As that brain rots more and more, as those miscroscopic strictures of minute blood vessels continue to occur.
Skin shrank, bodies warped with age, hearts failed and brains rotted in splitting skulls.
The result, he said, is that most people's brains are rotting away.
The sugar-packed junk they eat is doing terrible things to my system, not to mention my teeth, and the conversation is rotting my brain.
In the margin, in cramped but carefully hand-printed red letters, was a psychotic rant: His brain has rotted away.
You could ignore them right up to the moment sunstroke cooked your brain or frostbite rotted your hands and feet.
He screams out his lungs while his brain slowly rots!
Despite his brain having rotted through privileged living this scheme is an absolute disaster.
Then he makes up this funny word and says it's the name of a disease by which his brain is rotting away.