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You and I must now bravely face up to that fact.
The girl turned cold, but she held her head bravely.
However, he will fight bravely for himself or his people.
So let us see some of them,' he said bravely.
Tell me the whole truth,' she said, looking bravely into his face.
One face did not look away but instead smiled bravely at him.
"Can you at least say that he met his end bravely?"
It is one thing to speak bravely in front of others.
The whole country was moved, especially after his parents bravely talked about it in public.
That young man died bravely, but not because you failed.
Never have I seen a better, or one more bravely fought.
The girl took the news of her uncle's death bravely.
They were bravely fighting it out in a last stand.
Bravely, she was trying to do her part in the struggle.
We will leave him now, with the first part of his job well and bravely accomplished.
But she bravely made her move and lost even faster than before.
Another is said to have bravely kept her sense of humor.
But he looked back at her bravely, horror in his eyes.
Bravely, I finished my talk and, of course, asked for questions.
He studied the little girl who stood so bravely next to him.
You're beginning to know that and to face it: very bravely.
The police chief turned slightly green yet bravely stood his ground.
The war was not lost and the young army fought bravely.
After all, he'd carried me bravely into a completely new life.
If the others knew, they might not venture so bravely into the future.