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It takes great brazenness to go anywhere near this subject matter.
Part of its brazenness might have been attributable to drugs.
If nothing else, the brazenness of some violations is impressive.
You almost have to admire their brazenness: they made the future disappear.
"The brazenness of this is what's so astounding to me.
The scheme was astonishing for both its sophistication and brazenness.
Even investigators who have been working on the case for 22 months marvel at the brazenness of the fraud.
Karen was shocked by the sudden brazenness of the tiny computer teacher.
Some people got the point of my post (below) about the increasing brazenness that I'm noticing.
The brazenness of the drug operations in their neighborhoods, they say, makes them wonder if there is police corruption.
How did she dare to behave with such brazenness?
He couldn't believe it, the brazenness of the man.
Message and medium combine with a touch of brazenness that seems just right for the occasion.
The problem has persisted for years, city officials said, but the brazenness of the most recent illegal trim forced them to act.
On the one hand, there is alarm and outrage at the very brazenness of the Sept. 11 attacks.
In one way her brazenness is very hot.
And her improvisations can charge an audience with the brazenness of their imagination.
The Democrats know that events like this expose them to charges of brazenness and hypocrisy.
To many people "the Daniels thing" typified the brazenness of a program that simply had gone too far.
If she were in any condition to do so, she would have been shocked at the brazenness.
The album shows a newly found maturity compared to the brazenness of the previous three.
These days, with impressive brazenness, almost every Bush photo op belies what his administration is actually up to.
This latest news really crosses a threshold for brazenness.
What I liked was the brazenness of it.
The only surprise is who in Washington was surprised by Iran's increasing brazenness.