Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
And for big companies, breakage can add up to real money.
I rather think his breakages have caught up with him.
"There is going to be a large amount of change and breakage in the process."
Holding to the side of the hold I pulled my way toward the breakage.
That it was glass, and subject to easy breakage, did not help either.
Breakage can be total when a retailer goes out of business.
He looked for cracks in his land, the first sign of breakage.
At no time did the trail show signs of breakage.
They were also much more liable to breakage in flight.
It suffered a few breakages in the early years of operations.
It is a good idea to order 10 percent more brick than needed to allow for breakage.
Tree breakage under the weight of snow in the entire nature park area.
The way around that breakage was visible after only a few moments' study.
Should not be used with a male condom, to avoid breakage.
In some cases, there is instead a double strand breakage.
We got back with what we started, and no breakage.
Breakage is defined by the criteria laid down in figure 3.2.
A long account of breakages in the Atlantic trial trip.
If you have breakage within a release that is an issue and shouldn't happen.
The most common breakages are the shoulder and the pelvis.
The reason they came up with the word breakage is that the gift card system was more than a little bit broken.
But the records show that his breakage rate was inordinately high.
Breakage is also a problem, so handle with care.
If a toy has a low breakage factor, it's definitely on board!
Katrina Court was annoyed by the breakage and the waste of food.