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Breakout sessions are limited to just 25 people per group.
The conference ended with breakout sessions and a call to further action.
The committee recommended that real cases be used for breakout sessions.
But the individual breakout sessions, I think there were 14 different tracks.
Afternoon breakout sessions included debate on how to address the problem.
Learn more about the key questions at this session and the related breakout sessions.
Due to room conflicts with the breakout sessions, we will hold them in the morning.
Following the formal presentation, the Company will have a breakout session.
Tuesday and Wednesday also have six or seven of these breakout sessions throughout the day.
A breakout session in the Stanford room will immediately follow at 2:25pm.
Delegates discussed these issues in three breakout sessions, then reported to the group.
The dialogue in the breakout sessions lasted about 75 minutes.
I would like your input on likely persons to put together in these breakout sessions.
See Appendix 4 for additional points made in the breakout sessions.
The day will consist of six presentations and two breakout sessions.
Breakout sessions on a wide variety of topics were held that day and the next two.
Panel discussions and breakout sessions take place throughout the three day conference.
The prior three days were all just going from one of these interview track breakout sessions to another, where I found really interesting things.
The conference also offers the opportunity to learn more about the industry through its workshops and breakout sessions.
Delegates attended the morning breakout session that interested them most.
This is the starting point for a breakout session.
After a delightful lunch, we moved into separate breakout sessions.
Senior administration members will sit down in breakout sessions with tribes throughout the day to hear their concerns.
The breakout sessions provided information on specific areas of interest such as decision making, management practices, financing and training.
In the Breakout session participants will focus on the two questions:
The Clayton site can accommodate one plenary session and four breakout meetings, which would be required for a national genealogical conference.
The annual meeting will initially be held in Dar Es Salaam with plans for breakout meetings alternating in the five regional zones during the year.
If mediators hold private sessions (breakout meetings, caucuses) with a party, they shall discuss the nature of such sessions with all parties prior to commencing such sessions.
A panel discussion, moderated by MTV News correspondent Sway Calloway, was followed by breakout meetings, led by several entrepreneurs from the YEC.
"Let's send him who won the Turner Prize out to meet real people," a berk in a C4 "breakout meeting" clad in Tunisian frou-frou trousers and a Slayer T-shirt must have said.
Furthermore, over 100 breakout meetings between government and industry had also been arranged and the event would feature as its highlight a static display of the joint venture fighter jet launched by the Pakistanis and Chinese, the JF-17 Thunder.
That said, I can imagine that South China Sea in the course of those discussions, multilateral discussions, will come up on the margins or in breakout meetings or what have you.