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By this time the age of breeching was falling closer to two or three, where it would remain.
The breeching of a young boy, at an age somewhere between six and eight, was a completion in his childhood.
The poor man hurried to the ring-bolts of the breeching.
The breeching and the tackles hide some of the scars.
"Provided I have thy promise there'll be no breeching of walls."
Going around to the left side of the horse, he wasn't surprised to find a sword and shield hung on the breeching.
The trappers or trappings were the breeching of the cart-harness.
Pack horse breeching may be supplemented with a crupper to provide additional stability.
Estimate breeching of the shields in two minutes."
They wore their harnesses and neck collars, but not their breeching.
The metal was hot, so hot the guns kicked clear of the deck, flying back with a terrible note on the breeching.
A prodigious omnipresent din, and in it the kicking number seven broke its breeching after the fourth discharge.
Ian took the brunt of the recoil in his shoulder as the damaged cat's paw breeching broke.
He nodded reluctantly before turning back to the task of digging out tools to mend the breeching and wooden buckets to water the horses.
False breeching can refer to:
Breeching, also called "britching"
False breeching (disambiguation)
About the barrel of each was a surcingle and connected with it by a backstrap was something analogous to a breeching in Earth horse harness.
Where's the breeching?'
The breeching directly below it collects the flue gas and brings it up high into the atmosphere where it will not endanger personnel.
On a light vehicle with shafts, false breeching is sometimes fitted to the vehicle, instead of using harness breeching.
Out of curiosity Ramage went over and ran a hand over the breeching and tackles, and then glanced down at the painted canvas beneath the wide trucks.
As the animal slows, the vehicle runs forward, and the shafts pull the breeching forward against the haunches of the animal, which can thus slow the vehicle.
A letter of 1679 from Lady Anne North to her widowed and absent son gives a lengthy account of the breeching of her grandson:".
He slipped off, hobbled round to check the breeching, cried 'Bowse her up' and as the gun's muzzle came hard against the port, 'Stand by, stand by.'