Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Then picking the most bribable, and finally, the bribe itself.
I could give you every bribable senator's price down to the last sestertius.
Once upon a time the Quisition had been bribable, but not anymore.
"You don't think either of the nurses were bribable?"
Disgruntled at their abrupt discharge, they will not doubt be bribable.
The Fallujans are less bribable than most Iraqis, but you never know.
The steward was bribable, though Rhiang was right behind him.
"I mean, they are not easily bribable, master.
The two men who'd kidnapped him-were they bribable?
Their lower echelons are very inefficient and bribable.
Ida ignored him, continuing to look at Jack, who said, "Would this photographer be bribable?"
Thomas is attributed as honest and not bribable, which led him to various trusted tasks on behalf of his Royal cousin.
But thanks to a highly bribable Adigeon plastic surgeon, you and I will be going under the knife.
Unless you happen to have the necessary fake passports, know the underworld safe houses, and hold sway with bribable officials.
Lying quietly for a time, drinking wine provided by a friendly, bribable mess attendant, Bran felt both sad and happy.
If he wasn't bribable, or if Billy hadn't charged dinner to his room, I'd be reduced to calling security.
Calhoun didn't appear to be bribable.
Not bribable; too repressed and straitlaced.
Everyone in Giza is bribable."
Her new home was a suite in a respectable hotel that provided maid service, meals, and a bribable house detective--everything a girl could want.
He's a wretched nuisance, but he's not bribable."
"I've got agents exploring the judge in the Oberoni Bond matter; he seems bribable, but he may be expensive.
Locating the weak links in the Orbital system of distribution, finding people who were weak or bribable, who could be brought over.
It's possible one of them, or even a rogue defense contractor or a bribable League Navy officer, would be willing to violate it."
"If he does," said Cole, his attention on a New Jersey road map, "a friendly, bribable cop will correct the situation.