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The station maintains a genetically diverse broodstock for each species.
Since the adults take several years to change from female to male, the broodstock are extremely valuable individuals.
The corals in the broodstock reserve provide fragments for restoration research.
It maintains a broodstock population of approximately 2000 fish.
The disease spread rapidly, mainly through the shipping of infected animals and broodstock.
Native stocks are usually collected as sources of broodstock supply .
Aquaculture's heavy reliance on wild caught seed and broodstock is of increasing concern.
Fish from each spawn will be taken and held at the station for future broodstock, ensuring genetic diversity.
Technological advances have led to growing shrimp at ever higher densities, and broodstock is shipped worldwide.
This fish hatchery became part of the National Broodstock Program in 1976.
Holding broodstock in an accessible pond or tank offers readily available breeding adults whenever required.
One of the most important aspects of hatchery rearing is obtaining and maintaining broodstock.
A single female oyster can produce 50-80 million eggs in a batch so the selection of broodstock is of great importance.
The royal women of Didion were far from being mere political pawns or broodstock.
Hatcheries spawn adult organisms (broodstock) and produce microscopic spat or seed.
Broodstock is sourced from the wild and juvenile abalone grown in hatchery complexes.
The pond or tank in which broodfish are held must be a suitable size to hold and condition the broodstock.
If the aviator could not convince the dragon to accept the harness, it would never be "useful" to people, except possibly as broodstock.
Alternatively, the antibiotic 'teramycin' can be given to adults, fry and broodstock.
The broodstock for the farms are usually selected from existing farm stock or sometimes sourced from wild populations.
Sea cucumbers to be used as broodstock are either collected from the wild or are taken from commercial harvests.
Spawning stimulation can also be achieved through lightly drying the broodstock followed by exposure to a powerful jet of seawater.
Wild cobia broodstock are captured by professional fishermen.
Broodstock can be collected from local wild populations and from sites which juveniles are to be released.