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A buggering tarantula it looked like, in fact.
"Marquis Balastro asked me to inquire of you how the buggering might go forward at some future date."
No buggering round the edge yet.
He was somewhat offended; he was no buggering Arab.
They're only a buggering lot of Picts."
"Guv, there're two of the buggering things!"
What's the buggering difference?
The gals are the flocks and they're the buggering shepherds jamming the gals' feet into their boots so they can't kick.
Im a buggering charmer.
Against Allah's buggering rules."
"Damned buggering ragheads.
A man-Daniel thought it was Barnes-cried in delight, "By all the Gods and their buggering priests!
Been in this buggering town no more than hours but a couple of the flashing ragheads set on him and leave him on the street with a broken block."
And God help us then, Sharpe thought, because every buggering gun straight ahead must be reloaded by now and just waiting for its target, and suddenly the first round shot banged on the crest just a few paces ahead and ricocheted harmlessly overhead.