Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Hall argues that this bunching is not just historical, but also geographical.
This would ease the bunching of vehicles waiting for each successive light to change.
It is the bunching, not the uniqueness, that indicates the trend.
The difference, he suggested, is that this year there has been a bunching of announcements by high-profile companies.
There's the usual bunching of the lines in the high latitudes round the two poles.
Weariness was breaking down the undisciplined bunching of the march.
The first resonator causes bunching of the particles passing through it.
Long-wave theories have devoted most attention to the question of why the bunching exists.
The bunching of the fabric took on the weight of what it signified.
Why, then, might such bunching of innovatory entrepreneurship occur in particular regions?
One often sees much worse bunching than this, where notes hardly have room to move.)
This year, there was an effort by the league to avoid such bunching of divisional matchups.
Taxpayers should avoid the unnecessary "bunching" of relevant income.
Bus bunching is when several buses arrive at a stop at the same time, after a long period in which none come.
Eve's frown was like the bunching of a piece of cream velvet.
Secretary Dole would reduce the delays by limiting bunching - and undermining the hub system.
A sexual storm was happening on its face and beneath the bunching, twitching trenchcoat.
Then a clenching of the jaw, a bunching of shoulder muscles.
Maurice shrugged, with a big bunching of muscles.
The bunching of buses occurs largely because of congestion in urban areas.
The victim's clothes were neat, no bunching, no buttonholes missed.
The sample is kept small to minimize bunching of the cloud of settling particles.
When a ceiling effect occurs in data-gathering, there is a bunching of scores at the upper level reported by an instrument.
Urquhart was compact, a bunching of well-kept muscles inside a tailored suit.