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I thought her skipper must have been a clumsy, bungling oaf.
No more bungling and bizarre instrument for conducting the affairs of a nation was ever devised.
'The recession has not dimmed the banks' highhanded, bungling attitude to customer relations.
"Especially bungling amateurs."
Pafman is a clumsy, bungling superhero who is determined to fight evil, even though people probably would be better off without him.
No more bungling, no more quarrelling, but honest and sincere appraisal of the facts and the ideas at hand.
For the clan there might be mercy, if the Hongshu is willing to forgive us for foolishly sponsoring a bungling stranger.
The third friend, Kong Seungho (Lee Jangwon), is an obese, bungling video store clerk who fights off his terror of the future with food.
It centred on the adventures of Mildred's equally bungling cousin, Henrietta "Hettie" Hubble, played by Alice Connor, also set at Cackle's Academy.
If this be the devil's work one can only say that the devil seems to be a very bungling workman and to get results very far from what he might be expected to desire.
The anxiety for Exley and her suspicious, bungling colleagues in the so-called intelligence community is that Wells has become their Kurtz, that he has "gone over" all the way into a heart of darkness.
Assisting him are bungling inspectors portrayed by six veteran N.B.A. players: Bill Walton, Walt Frazier, James Worthy, Kenny Smith, Dominique Wilkins and Clyde Drexler.
He went after tax loopholes that he thought unfairly benefited corporations as vigorously as he went after the International Monetary Fund, arguing that taxpayers should not have to rescue what he viewed as corrupt or bungling regimes in far-flung places.
To the Editor: Re "A Bungling U.N. Undermines Itself," by Michael Ignatieff (Op-Ed, May 15): None of us at the United Nations would pretend that we have got everything right in Sierra Leone.
One corridor deals with Lenin directing the February Revolution from the ski slopes, another tackles Thomas Mann's "Magic Mountain," and a third recapitulates a popular Russian television show about a bungling spy who meets a violent end in Bern.
The history of how bungling old Washington managed successfully to run World War II is told with such endearing detail and sneer-free humor that one concludes it was not in spite of American ineptitude that we won, but because of it.
Hugh made no answer, but snatching the rope from his companion's hand, proceeded to bind old John himself; but his very first move was so bungling and unskilful, that Mr Dennis entreated, almost with tears in his eyes, that he might be permitted to perform the duty.
Hafiz Harakamian was so impressed by the way in which Rafik had outwitted him that he decided this nephew was quite clever and crooked enough to be a worthy heir to the Harakamian financial empire -in contrast to his worthless, bungling son, Tapha.