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The water in the streams burbled their music just for us.
Brother Michael almost burbled in his relief at being asked this question.
That's why they burble about "the show must go on".
The only sound was little sucks and burbles from the river.
He looked up at a sound: Kate had begun burbling again.
A fountain burbled gently in the center of the room.
The radio burbled and he pulled it from his belt.
He was all set to burble on about his physics discussions.
He had to stop himself from burbling a hysterical laugh.
Water pours and burbles from a few of the pipes.
He had just decided to give them ten more minutes before calling the police when the telephone burbled.
He tried to scream, but only burbling came through the blood in his throat.
The river burbled past on her left, the water sixty feet away at its closest point.
The coffee machine burbled away in the big silent kitchen.
For a moment, fear came burbling up in him.
The laughter burbled out, and she didn't try to stop it.
"There's the web for you," he said as the modem began burbling to itself.
The sound burbled up from his massive chest like thunder.
"The real privilege today was getting to hear all that poetry, though," Miles burbled on.
She laughed again, quietly, like water burbling in a pipe.
But there was a new, warbling, burbling sound added to what had been heard before.
Behind him, the lifeboat burbled and sank under the water.
If I opened my mouth, cold air burbled out.
On one table was a small fountain where blue water burbled over smooth white rocks.
"The others burble in floods, but from my favorite I have nothing.