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A man with a burp gun sat behind each driver.
There was a guy with a burp gun fired on us and I got him.
Les was at the hall door with the burp gun poised.
The man with the glove removed a burp gun from his bag.
Then the burp gun went off at last.
She grabbed up the little burp gun from the floor, prepared to release her safety harness.
DT had worked down to the right behind her with the burp gun.
DT using the burp gun on single shot to slow down pursuers.
Below, the burp gun Cut loose again.
Porky had slung the burp gun across his back to enable him to use both hands in clearing a path.
At once they heard the sharp crack of the rifles out front, then the stuttering sound of a Chinese burp gun.
He picked up a burp gun.
This seemed to make him angrier and he levered his burp gun at our stomachs, threatening to shoot.
After separating myself from him by about fifty meters, I pushed the useless burp gun, muzzle downward, under the water and into the mud.
Barely spitting distance from the wire, burp guns errupted.
Throwing grenades and spraying the area with burp gun fire, the North Koreans quickly overran the position.
Bart is able to utilize a variety of weapons in the game, including a burp gun, a slingshot, spray paint, and water balloons.
A burp gun opened up, and I heard the ricochets whine past, and saw the bullet-splashes move in my direction.
They used machine guns, burp guns, rifles, and threw potato masher grenades.
Cheeta broke into the patch of grass from the beeline, his Russian burp gun carried in a ready position.
They were more than halfway to the airstrip by now, Myles pounding along in the lead, the little burp gun bouncing on its shoulder sling.
"A Suomi burp gun.
The troops were armed with Soviet-made rifles and PPSh-41 "burp guns".
We've got to get some options here, before I take Myles's burp gun and let the air out of Jean-Claude."
Jesus, put that thing down," Lovett said quickly, as Myles, hearing them, trained his little burp gun on the steps.