Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Put your hands in the air and step away from the burrito.
Check after 3 or 4 minutes, because burritos are easy to burn.
If you've made a good burrito, though, this is impossible.
For some reason, there are also burritos on the menu.
When you're full of burrito, you have no room for regret.
I had a burrito thing and very tasty it was.
Well, maybe Steve would be sweet and buy her a burrito.
He has been selling between 150 and 200 burritos a day since the strike began.
Can someone please try the burrito remark and let me know the results?
This in turn allows for the size of the Mission burrito.
Then fold the sides together so it looks like a burrito.
How can a world shaped like a burrito have seasons?
After one month, the original restaurant was selling over 1,000 burritos a day.
Recalling their love of burritos, they came up with the wrap.
A concession stand that sold burritos was open for just one season a few years ago.
Picked it up when I got my frozen burrito for dinner.
We each got a burrito, hot and wrapped in foil.
"All this came about because I ate a bad burrito.
The precise origin of the modern burrito is not known.
Either whole or mashed, it is a common filling for burritos.
If you cannot find 10-inch tortillas, use smaller ones and make more burritos.
Use them in everything from soups to chili to burritos.
He stuffed a final chunk of burrito into his mouth.
But until recently, making a trip to Boston and back just for a burrito seemed irresponsible.
Then he put the morgue photo on the desk, next to the burrito.