Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
This burrowing conceals the fact the building is over 10 stories high.
See any crack in the drain or anything like that, all of their burrowing and they'll get through it!
Over time the burrowing of these new holes may weaken structures.
The animals' burrowing has prevented a proper forest from forming.
And if he had to turn over the business to a professional, the professional would have somewhere to start his burrowing.
The bush stopped its burrowing and its leaves seemed to droop.
Then Sh'gall sent sweep riders north to make sure there had been no burrowing.
Extensive burrowing was considered possible but unlikely given the relatively large size of most mesotheriids.
The burrowing is carried out using the mouthparts and special cutting surfaces on the front legs.
It is feeding on the body fluids left by the action of the horta-creatures in their burrowing.
It stops its burrowing and watches the approaching humans.
We went from majestic soaring to rodential burrowing in six links.
Larger particles can also inhibit the burrowing of small animals, which would limit circulation into the bed.
Their burrowing had a weirdness that rivaled the work of ghouls.
The ratings, updated each Saturday, are available free on the company Web site,, though it takes some burrowing.
Little painful twists of mental burrowing into their wombs.
The common yabby is a popular species for aquaculture, although their burrowing can destroy dams.
It is a burrowing, nocturnal animal, feeding on earthworms and similar prey.
Victor continued his burrowing among the rocks.
Due to this incessant burrowing, any live plants should be potted to avoid uprooting.
Military officials said the buildings had been used to conceal the burrowing of the tunnel to the Ohran outpost.
The mathematics of the warp drive mentioned no burrowing, no flinging.
It's quite a mess, with all the burrowing, corkscrew rounds of the flechette pistol having done their work.
Their burrowing can be a nuisance when it encroaches on pastureland or grain fields.