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By right of arms, he's earned his chance to speak.
By right of blood and prophecy, she is your King.
I am the king by right of conquest, and you cannot change it.
He claims the north as well, by right of conquest.
And each possessed that name by right of having made it famous.
What is more we claim it by right of salvage!
By right of better eyes Dojango should have been in my place.
Said they claimed the place by right of prior discovery.
The girl led, by right of having some previous acquaintance with the trail.
- and I hold power only by right of conquest.
Probably if we took it to law or whatever, it'd turn out that the whole island belongs to me by right of being there first.
The Americans considered the region to be theirs by right of conquest.
You have what came to you by right of birth.
Richard was now King by right of birth and seniority.
By right of conquest, I give this land to you," she told them. "
As for Boiorix, he became king by right of combat.
It is ours by right of first landing, as set out in Federation law!
By right of blood, these men have chosen the trial of fire.
He's got the gall to charge for what settlers should have by right of their own hard work?
The nui title could be passed on by right of birth.
Between 1952 and 1989 1.2 million immigrants acquired Israeli citizenship by right of return.
This was his worid, or should be, by right of adaptation.
You and I are the first living souls on board in months, maybe, so what we find is ours by right of salvage.
God must raise it up to be so by right of nature and of grace.
Show me the thing that claims the power that is mine by right of blood!