Even those who accept parts of the field shy away from wholehearted support.
He at this time had Napoleon's confidence, and gave him wholehearted support.
Building on someone else's idea is a powerful way to get their wholehearted support.
This is why we give our wholehearted support to the rapporteur.
I very much hope that when we vote on this proposal they will at last feel positive and give it their wholehearted support.
Apart from that, I can only give my full and wholehearted support to the proposals as a whole.
For that reason I can indeed give this instrument my wholehearted support.
For these reasons, my group will give the Directive its wholehearted support.
Today, this House should offer its wholehearted support for the strategy.
I hope this will have the wholehearted support of the House.
Hardly surprising he wants to forget about it given his total support for the war.
I couldn't have made it without that total support behind me.
His efforts continue to have our full and total support.
Ed needs to give her total, and I mean total support.
We want her to have our total support in this difficult time.
But, on the other hand, this report has my total support.
I offer my total support and the gratitude of 335 000 people.
If she can bring that about we should give her our total support.
On this point, I give my total support to the rapporteur.
This communication, I repeat, has our total support, as we have just seen.