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"She seems a little young to be part of the Cabal."
The next meeting of the cabal could well be its last.
"And are you going to share your evidence of this cabal with me?"
A cabal is a group of people who try to control things in a secret way.
A small cabal would control all the minds of men and women for ever more.
You and your friends had no choice but to act as a secret cabal.
However, four of them have already been kidnapped by the Cabal.
She began to form her own cabal and also benefited from the support of the king.
He gives little away, and is himself rescued by the Cabal.
How could the Cabal get enough power to do something like this?"
Everyone in the cabal knew this venture would cost even more lives before it was over.
She looked into the circle of their cabal, and saw what had occupied them.
When the cabal needed its fighter, he would be fit again.
The book is titled after the name this cabal gives itself.
Or, perhaps, they had formed a cabal from which she was excluded.
But a long time ago he'd offended somebody bad and there'd been a cabal out to get him ever since.
She has a cabal of young apprentices who work with her.
She did not want to know about dark cabals and murderous plans.
This was not a powerful cabal, and they had little expectation of early success.
Still on the island, with Cabal and the wonderful sword?
And now I expect you want to call a special meeting of the cabal."
More delay as the cabal found reasons for not doing what so obviously had to be done.
The remaining members of the ministry, as would be expected, held less power than the cabal.
Not because there was some kind of cabal who made the decision," he said.
Somebody breaking from one of the cabals in the front row.