Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The players, who have disputed the league's calculation of losses, have said that cost certainty is another term for a salary cap, which they said they would not accept.
Recommendations have been made for the legalisation and declassification of items formerly kept secret; for their cataloguing; their display on exhibition and the calculation of losses incurred by both parties.
Mr. Lesar declined to discuss the amount of money at issue, but said all calculations of loss or profit on deals like the Brazil pipeline are estimates until such disputes are resolved.
The first inspection bureau was established on 3 April 1923, by the North-West Chamber of Commerce and tasked with quality determination, price evaluation, measurement of goods along with calculation of loss rates and many other functions.
In the last month, he says his group has been called on by clients to carry out risk assessments, audit existing plans and perform ad hoc drills, including disaster simulations on a computer, to help customers make realistic calculations of losses that could incur when disasters strike.
These figures suggest an annual loss during the war of about 7 per cent, which agrees well with an independent calculation of losses from ships in the West Indies during the previous war, and is not inconsistent with the losses of individual ships whose musters have been analysed.
Significantly, it was another young MP - the lifelong abolitionist Stephen Lushington - who emphasised that he 'was greatly surprised to hear the opponents of this bill enter into cold calculations of loss and gain; for his part, he could never stop to balance imports and exports against justice and humanity'.