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For all its campiness, the performance captured the sentiments of many people at the convention.
He shrugs at the campiness that sometimes creeps into his characters.
Depending on the performance venue, both gestures can be associated with campiness.
But the campiness can reveal anxiety in the midst of festivity.
Most critics praised the film, although some were displeased with the overall campiness.
Given the honesty of these performances, campiness is beside the point, and that is just fine.
In contrast to the other characters, both of these roles are not damaged by a certain amount of campiness.
For most of the evening, the Pope will be referred to as she and her, for reasons beyond homosexual campiness.
Dixon was primarily hired to tone down much of the campiness inherent in the stage musical.
In concert, however, the group shifted toward rock flamboyance and neo-1970's campiness.
But the production keeps undercutting her, both by haziness of focus and a slow drift toward campiness.
The danger is that you veer into campiness."
Conrad had a rich baritone and technical control, but his singing style was overblown to the point of campiness.
Campiness threatens until a hooded figure turns to face the king and we first glimpse Hamlet's face.
There is always the danger of over-the-top campiness in these parts, and there was some of that here.
"He didn't understand the thin line between entertainment and campiness," DeMilia said.
His collection on Sunday captured the essence of glamour without the slightest tinge of campiness.
It was his campiness.
Its rock is louder, its campiness richer.
The performance does earn as many laughs as the circumstances will allow - in part because of its sheer, undisguised campiness.
But the villains risked campiness.
Ms. Peyroux herself remained poised and inscrutable, keeping her backdated music away from campiness.
In his case it doesn't mean campiness or overbearing rock-and-roll or self-conscious eclecticism.
Signature background vocal harmonies are there to brighten up the track, but their muted nature doesn't descend into campiness.
You might almost admire the chutzpah of them, with their extreme campiness and sentimentality - almost, but ultimately not, because they're facile.