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For this meeting he had put on full canonicals, as though to shield against demons.
Most of the problems seems to be canonicals reverse squid proxy.
I'm not going to forbid you to wear canonicals, but you'd better be discreet.
The mincer now stands before you invested in the full canonicals of his calling.
Pastor Roberts in full canonicals stood behind the archers.
Garbed in his canonicals, Chubsalid made a fine figure.
The project is named Wayland and it isn't Canonicals project.
Canonicals or alt.
The stillness was less intense until the judge put on his black cap, and the chaplain in his canonicals was observed behind him.
Several times a week Taylor dressed in "canonicals", staged infidel melodramas, preaching bombastic sermons to artisans.
Later, Linus Pauling used valence bond theory to propose that the most significant resonance canonicals had two π bonds (see above) involving d orbitals.
In Anglo-Jewry, for example, gabbaim in some synagogue movements have traditionally worn top hats and where there is a shamash, he may wear canonicals.
As for the rest, it's Ubuntu which I hate on principle so *yawn* :-) Seriously, though, doesn't Canonicals Gnome monoculture approach peeve anyone else off?
CANONICALS, n. The motley worm by Jesters of the Court of Heaven.
The black mummified corpse of the saint is stretched out in a glass coffin, clad in his mouldering canonicals, mitred, crosiered and gloved, glittering with votive jewels.
His remains were interred on the vigil of Pentecost, 1255 under his effigy in full canonicals carved in Purbeck marble under a canopy resting on ten light pillars.
Like a levite's robe of plain linen the faded worn soutane draped the kneeling figure of one whom the canonicals or the bell-bordered ephod would irk and trouble.
Moreover, the episcopal canonicals, holy vessels and their covers, many from the 19th century, relics of Chrysostomos of Drama and Smyrni, constitute the most important exhibits in the museum.
And I cannot tell how light-hearted I felt as I folded up my canonicals, and put them in a box to be left, for the meantime, in the charge of my landlady.
With a surge, the Pontiff hurled the board aside, roared again, whirling to confront the dancing figure of Ambassador Straphanger, who flapped a napkin at the mud on the ornate canonicals of the guest of honor.
"If I had more time I should like to show you all the bodies which are buried in these niches upon the walls, for they are the early popes and bishops of the Church, with their mitres, their croziers, and full canonicals.
I professed my willingness, and the friar ushered in a fresh, young, little Irishman of fifty, a deacon of the Church, arrayed in strict canonicals, and wearing on his head what, in default of knowledge, I can only call the ecclesiastical shako.
After the monk had assisted him from canonicals to night-robes and left with his blessing, Javan had to watch the fat feet pacing back and forth in their embroidered slippers, their owner pausing from time to time to gaze out at the snowfall while he had another cup of wine.
Mr. Canetti writes: "The movements of the priests in their stiff, heavy canonicals, their measured steps, the drawing-out of their words - all this is like an infinite dilution of lament, spread so evenly over the centuries that scarcely anything remains of the suddenness of death and the violence of grief."
There were others that he knew in the crowd - colleagues, his immediate superior at the Ministry, neighbours, and there was the ticket collector at his local railway station, and an archbishop he had once met at a dinner function, although he hadn't worn his full canonicals then - but most were strangers.