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She never saw where certain other people came from who were soon capering about among the trees.
For about ten minutes we capered around on the ice.
But David shook his head and capered on ahead of her.
I capered up and down the carriage at the thought.
Instead, she looked at the horses that were capering about in the field on one side of the road.
They capered a bit, sometimes with volunteers from the audience.
The great gray dog, come running up from somewhere, capered.
Then he said something to Sparky, who capered out of the room.
He didn't usually have good dreams, especially not those in which the old man capered and grinned.
The crazy din continued as the people capered about the room.
The woman capered up and down as she talked.
The sight made her want to go outside and join the children she could see capering about in the park opposite.
"I never thought I'd see their ugly, capering forms again."
Other mice could be seen capering along across the doorway that led into a second room of books.
One of them capered for a moment, then lit a fuse.
They capered along his skin, first hot, then cold.
The way that fat woman was capering was an education to watch.
He looked at her hurt face and stopped capering.
This time, as I opened my eyes, the gun crews were capering and cheering.
And around the conflagration capered a score of black forms.
Lucifer came capering across the field of green to greet her.
He stretched wide his arms and capered in a grotesque dance.
Tom Gold capered through them as if they were comic quips.
She hopped out of bed and capered naked to the bathroom.
This ape-woman ran up to Emma and capered before her.