Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Though they were rarely profitable and many barely had sales, their potential captivated investors.
Suddenly you could see surprise on the faces of captivated matinee ladies.
Her beauty so captivated Chang that he initially thought she was a goddess or angel.
I was of a mind to slip them a note, like a captivated spy girl in the movies: "Help!
Captivated girls follow the defaulters.
The best band in the world playing to the most captivated audience i ve ever seen, there to watch another band...
The book so captivated Leavitt that he immediately presented himself at the office of the Exeter principal, where he asked for a job.
"Density is the drug that has always kind of captivated people about New York," Mr. Beller said.
But then, as the young woman tells her captivated visitor, a mysterious man in a gray cloak with a hat pulled down over one eye showed up uninvited.
We Are the Captivated EP (2006, Self-released)
After all, this is a President who just this year told a captivated world at a NATO summit meeting that he would remove nuclear warheads from Russian missiles.
As an adult, he tells a captivated radio audience about his travels with Frankie, just as, years before on the road, he told Frankie about his journeys with his footloose father.
The designs by Mr. Jones and his artist partner, Thomas J. Walker, so captivated buyers at the company's first trade fair that Cross Colours was swamped with $5 million in orders.
His speech seemed aimed at calming the intensifying calls for retribution against Mr. Chun, whose abuses have been exhaustively detailed in recent televised legislative hearings that have sometimes brought a captivated nation to a standstill.
She continued her examination of the loris in captivated silence for several moments, tipping her head this way and that as she did so, her movements comically imitated by the object of her scrutiny.
His excellent vision and defence-piercing passes - skills rarely seen in players his age - captivated national coach Adnan Hamad, who appointed Akram captain, despite being one of the youngest players on the senior team.
All was still in this room where I had seen, for the first time, Sevrin, the anti-anarchist, captivated and spell- bound by the consummate and hereditary grimaces that in a certain sphere of life take the place of feelings with an excellent effect.
The chords of his guitar can come to the most intimate fibers of the public, especially on having interpreted topics as emotive as Reloj y La barca, in addition to other melodies that shaped the whole epoch and captivated entire generations.
Such high quality strips as Riders of the Range and P.C. 49 helped ensure a weekly circulation of almost a million copies, but it was the adventures of Dan Dare, Pilot of the Future, which most captivated readers.
In September 2004, Patel joined PETA, one of the organisations championing the cause of animals, as part of an advertising campaign which highlights the lives of captivated animals in a zoo who are robbed of their natural surroundings for the amusement of others.
In writing 1632, Flint's web forum "Mutter of Demons" at Baen's Bar was soon taken over by exploratory posts as captivated readers commented on the E-ARC released book, creating a ground swell of interest ("internet Buzz") in the months before its hardcover release.
In his eight days in this country, Mr. Mandela may have charmed the United Nations and won standing ovations at a joint session of Congress, but perhaps his most captivated audience is the generation of schoolchildren who were not even thought of when he was first jailed more than 27 years ago.