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Does she now live in a care home of some sort?
The former site of the station is now a care home.
Away from the staff and the care home environment, she can let us know if she's having any problems.
Are you the owner of a care home or similar building?
The building is now a private care home for the elderly.
You should visit a number of care homes to make sure they meet your current and possible future needs.
Outside doctors can feel under pressure from care home staff.
More recently the house has been used as a residential care home.
The house now on the site is used as an elderly care home.
If paid directly to the care home, it is tax free.
Preschool can be based in a center, family child care home or a public school.
It was a care home for some years, then became a residence.
This house was in later years a residential care home.
The property is now used as a care home for patients with mental health problems.
She had taken a number of jobs, including working in a local psychiatric care home.
This explains the large number of children in care homes.
The cost of a care home is means tested in England.
But, for many people in care homes, this is asking too much.
If you want proof just look at private care homes.
Friends I know own a small number of elderly care homes.
"For me, it means I can stay here with my own things and not go into a care home.
No care homes anywhere should be in private hands, all they are there for is to make money.
It has started to implement a new action plan to close old state care homes.
From 1947 to 1991 the buildings were used as an old people's residential and care home.
I think we should take examples of the very best care homes and make them the standard.