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So I said, ¡ Shake hands with your new carillonneur.
Every carillonneur would be happier if Riverside could do something."
A video screen will be set up inside the entrance to the Chapel, showing the carillonneur playing in the tower.
When they gave the right number (62) to the carillonneur, they would receive their next clue.
The city still employs a full-time carillonneur, who gives free concerts on a regular basis.
Sometimes the carillonneur leaves his walkie-talkie there and people can send requests up to the tower.
He remained as resident carillonneur for 8 years until an unexpected encounter with a stranger occurred.
Charles is well known as a carillonneur.
The carillonneur or carillonist is the title of the musician who plays the carillon.
However, the bells are also connected to a keyboard and playing chamber located in the middle of the tower, from which a carillonneur can play.
Mr. Lind, now 67, plays with the verve of the accomplished carillonneur.
"Because most carillonneurs were against it, he was happy to go and do just the opposite," said Robert Gift, a carillonneur, in an interview.
The carillonneur of the college, Daniel Kehoe, will perform this evening at 8 o'clock and tomorrow night.
It's up to the carillonneur.
La fille du carillonneur, comic opera (first performance 1854)
The carillonneur's lot is a meeting of extremes, of public display and anonymity, grandiosity and intimacy.
The carillon is also played on special occasions and generally every Sunday afternoon by its current carillonneur Adrian Gebruers.
Janet Tebbel, carillonneur.
Lisa Lonie, carillonneur.
In 1994, Mrs. Buckwalter became Alfred's third carillonneur.
The carillonneur sits in a playing cabin in the middle of the bells and plays with his fists and feet on a baton-and-pedal keyboard.
The carillonneur is Edward M. Nassor.
The individual responsible for creating Cast in Bronze is carillonneur Frank DellaPenna.
In 1949 Allard returned to Canada where he initially struggled to find a suitable appointement in his chosen career as a carillonneur.
Carillon Concert, featuring John Widman, guest carillonneur.